
Transport Dominique Republic

By Car

You can rent a car for a day to tour the island. If your budget allows, prefer 4x4, smaller and more manageable. It'll be even easier to travel around the island, especially on steep roads and access to some beaches.
Safety tips for some local car hire agencies.

Driving license Dominica

If you rent a vehicle, you must purchase a license of Dominica. It is issued upon presentation of a

A trip to Dominique Republic

Planning your first trip to the Dominican Republic? Here are some essential tips to discover this country that has much more to offer than its perfect beaches.
Good to know
Venture into the countryside to discover the lifestyle of the majority of Dominicans. If you are motorized, get a map and ride through the country roads. If not, get into a guagua (local bus) to mingle with the locals.
If you stay at an all inclusive resort, still taste the local cuisine, reserving a good table, or attablant

Climate and Weather Paris

The climate of Paris is degraded oceanic: the oceanic influence is predominant to the mainland and results in 1981-2010 by summers (June 1 to August 31) warm enough (19.7 ° C on average), winters (1 December to 28 February), mild (5.4 ° C on average) with frequent rains in all seasons and changing weather but with lower rainfall (637.4 mm)

Transport Paris

useful Information 
- Information and sales SNCF: Tel. : 36-35 (0,34 € / min). - RATP Information: Tel. : 32-46 (€ 0.34 / min; weekdays from 7 am to 21h, weekends and holidays from 9h to 17h). The metro runs until 2:15 on Fridays and Saturdays (1h other days). airports information See also our practice folder on the Paris airports. Travelling by public transport Many opportunities for tickets at attractive rates tailored to passing visitors. It can be purchased in metro and RER,

A trip to Paris

Paris is history, first. The great, the small too. Paris, where we took the Bastille, where we prefer to die standing, wall Federated than live on your knees. Paris, the city of Baron Haussmann, the capital of "progress" of the Universal Exhibition, the Eiffel Tower and Metropolitan. Paris workers, a June 1936 Paris And fear, betrayal, the raids. And then again, Paris is a celebration. Paris swings. Paris on jazz. And the merry month of May in Paris: Sorbonne

Useful links Morocco

Moroccan National Tourist Office
An Internet travel guide: country, culture, travel, practical information and news. Opportunity to book online a room in a hotel.
See the site - Report broken link

Moroccan Government
The official website of the Moroccan government. Very general!
See the site - Report broken link