
A trip to tunisia

Part of the Maghreb, Tunisia is still too often trapped postcards-images that haunt the imagination (exotic beaches, edifying ruins, desert solitude ...), as many synonyms clichés successful holiday.
Guardian of a delicate balance between modernity and tradition, Tunisia still offers a thousand and one ways to discover its other facets. The traveler can then easily follow fugitive impressions of civilizations that

succeeded on these landscapes and have shaped: the Phoenicians who founded Carthage, the Romans, who colonized and destroyed the whole of North Africa, Byzantines, Arabs, Andalusians, Turks and Italians and French.
Tunisia offers historical landscapes, but also landscapes short: diversity of coasts is matched only shades of Jebel or the desert. Rainy mountains Kroumirie the first dunes of the Sahara through the plains of the Sahel, Tunisia is a land of encounters, a crossroads of civilizations. Remember Hamilcar, of St. Augustine, Ibn Khaldun of BarberousseA trip to Tunisia

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