
Climate and Weather Tunisia

It varies greatly from north to south and thus depends on the region.

In spring, the weather is good everywhere, but the rains are not uncommon, as throughout the Mediterranean at this time of the year.
In summer, it's very good on coastal regions, thanks to sea breezes. However, the heat is unbearable inside the country and in the South:

up to 50 ° C in the shade.
In the fall, we have a perfect season even though the days get shorter. You can swim through October. In November, the first rain - sometimes heavy, often brief - are emerging. They can temporarily cut some tracks. Never try to cross the wadis in spate.

To visit the southern oases, the off-season (October-November) and early spring are the ideal time. The nights can be cold, but in the day the Sahara appears in all its splendor under a bright sky. Careful, because you will not be immune to a sandstorm!

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