
Useful links Tunisia

Useful links Tunisia
Tunisian National Tourist Office
The site of the national tourist office in France. Very complete and a lot of pictures to illustrate each topic. Practical info: weather, postcards, accomodation advice by theme, etc.
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Islamic art
As part of the "Museums without Borders" involving a large number of Mediterranean countries (and even beyond), this site allows you to discover the richness of Islamic art. In Tunisia, several major museums and reveal their finest works.
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Department of Culture
Website of the Ministry of Culture and Heritage Preservation gives information on the major sites, museums and monuments of the country. In French.
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general site
General site offering a wealth of information on recreation, cultural events ... and a selection of good restaurants and boutique accommodation (including guest houses) located throughout the country.
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Search Engine
The Maghreb search engine has on its homepage links to many sites (some in English): media, culture, economy, etc.
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Willis from Tunis
But also on Facebook Twitter. Willis from Tunis or the adventures of a cat born from the pen of the Tunisian designer Nadia Khiari January 13, 2011, the day before the fall of Ben Ali. Symbol of freedom of expression, says his character news on a squeaky voice. Great success.
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Resistance movements and bloggers
News on the Internet resistance movements and bloggers in the Arab and Muslim world. In English.
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A satirical website bringing together designers and bloggers Mediterranean.
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News on the Internet resistance movements and bloggers in the Arab and Muslim world. In English.
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Global Voices
The bloggers worldwide network launches and translated a selection of articles published on blogs and social networks to give voice to those who are rarely heard in the mainstream media. French version.
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Travel reports Uniterre
Many logbooks, often of excellent quality (sketches, photos, texts ...), the specialist travel blog site.
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Travel Advice
The website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, updated regularly, lists deprecated regions and gives travelers in a country ranking security councils, the check in and stay. A site to check before you go.

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