
Transport Dominique Republic

By Car

You can rent a car for a day to tour the island. If your budget allows, prefer 4x4, smaller and more manageable. It'll be even easier to travel around the island, especially on steep roads and access to some beaches.
Safety tips for some local car hire agencies.

Driving license Dominica

If you rent a vehicle, you must purchase a license of Dominica. It is issued upon presentation of a driving license from your country of origin, provided that the latter date at least 2 years and you have more than 25 years.

For a validity of 3 months, it costs EC $ 30 (€ 8.40) per driver.

It can be purchased at the Traffic Department in Roseau (High Street, tel. 448-22-22) or most car rental agencies, as well as with the immigration service from the airport.

Driving and routes
Driving is on the left.
Warning, the roads are often very narrow and / or steep regularly dotted with potholes, hen. 4x4 then facilitates driving. Fortunately, traffic, apart from Roseau, is not very dense, and apart from some slightly damaged sections along the coast, including of potholes, the road network is in good condition.

Some advice: Move away when you cross the Dominicans, they will not do it for you. Comprehensive insurance is recommended. Finally, avoid driving at night: the roads are only slightly illuminated.


This is a really typical means of transportation, reliable and relatively cheap. These are small buses of fifteen seats that circulate on the main roads of the island. They run at full speed, music full pot.

They are very common on the west coast, rarer in the north and east of the island. They run from Monday to Saturday, from 6 am to 19h. Very few lines operate on Sundays. There are no stops, strictly speaking: it reaches out to them to stop.

As they are run by individuals, the bus does not leave until it is complete. It is therefore potentially provide a bit of a wait ... and if the number of travelers is low, no start (unless you pay unoccupied seats!). These are the vagaries of the law of supply and demand ...

At Reed, one can take a minibus on the Old Market Square. At the airport in Canefield, one can take a minibus; it is a little further but a little cheaper than the taxi.

Prices are still very low: counting from EC $ 1.50 (€ 0.40) for a small trip, and up to EC $ 10 (€ 2.80) for a "long" trip (type Roseau- Marigot).

There are fixed prices for public buses and taxis are available including the Office of Roseau tourism.

Taxis are recognizable by the letters H, HA or HB above their registration numbers.

We can take them to the airport. To go from Roseau to the northern tip of the island, around 25 US $. The rates are fixed.

If count between 300 and 350 EC $ (84 and 98 ) for a day with driver.

By boat

Express connects the islands of Dominica, Martinique, Guadeloupe, St. Lucia, Marie-Galante and Saintes. Counting all the same € 119 for a round trip between Dominica and Martinique or Guadeloupe (79 one way). For rotations between Dominica and Guadeloupe or Martinique, count 3-7 crossings per week depending on the time and route of 1:45. We docked at the Roseau Ferry Terminal.

A few hundred meters from Roseau, Woodbridge Bay, a deepwater port can accommodate yachts. Another port in Portsmouth, northwest of the island, and a third at Anse May, to the east. For boat travel from one point to another of the island, a special permit must be obtained from the authorities. Attention, it shall dock in the marine reserve of the bay between Soufriere and Scotts Head.

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